Direct the outcome through clear, consistent, congruent communication of the possibilities.

Liz, a psychotherapist involved in a Leadership Presence workshop, wants to practice her ability to be assertive. Alone in the ring with Ripple,an amiable equine, she finds herself getting louder and louder as Ripple doesn’t respond to her request of moving away from her. Liz asks for help and is asked “what is it you are trying to do?” She pauses and states her intention, in a clear and confident voice. She re-connects to her intention without the distraction of the outcome and as if by magic, Ripple responds to her request.

To learn more about Windhorse Leadership Programs or to connect with Pam McPhee, click here.

Intention                             © All Rights Reserved Windhorse Leadership 2013
Phone:  Phone:  603.988-4614                                           340 Dame Road, Durham, NH  03824

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